Manufacturing in the USA

Most Americans are aware of the demise of manufacturing in the United States. Pick up an item in any clothing store, and you will see products from all over the world but probably nothing from America. Our day to day consuming gives one the impression that America doesn’t make anything any more. Simply not true.

Granted, our manufacturing sector has been shrinking since the 1960’s, from 33% of our economy to about 11% today. That still translates to almost 1.8 trillion dollars in income. Only recently we have been surpassed by China but we still manufacture more than Germany and Japan combined.

Since manufacturing is crucial to our economic and social stability, it is crucial that every American recognize the need to consume with this in mind. Since consumers have enormous control to influence and determine what is sold, we urge you to exercise that power. Express your desire for ‘Made in America’ goods and ask any retailer accordingly. By pressuring our retailers, they will have no choice but to stock American goods. By supporting domestic products, we keep our dollars within our shores, thereby stimulating our economy instead of others.

After all, you make your money in America; we encourage you to spend it on America.